Kakadu Kayaks is proud to anounce that we are now part of the gold coast city council active and healthy program .

Hiring kayaks sundays at paradise point along the esplenade opposite eider street.costing $15.00 per hour join us on the high tide for a mangrove tour when possible . Weather permitting also saturdays over summer contact us for bookings 0430 311 762

The history and development of the kayak

The kayak - or 'qajaq' as it is called in Greenland - is an invention from old days that has been an essential piece of hunting equipment for Inuits in Greenland and the rest of Arctic North America. The kayak has been used in connection with sealing, whaling and fishing, and it was common for Greenlandic boys to spend their childhood learning to keep their balance and manoeuvre the kayak. Today the traditional 'qajaq' is still seen in many towns and especially at the annual kayak meetings, but for recreational kayaking the more robust sea kayaks made of fibreglass or Polyethalene  have gradually taken the place of the traditional versions.